Gardening Under the Surface - with Operation Posidonia

Science Week 2022.

Marine ecologists from Operation Posidonia and the Sydney Institute of Marine Science invited participants to learn about Lake Macquarie and Sydney Harbour’s seagrass meadows and participate in practical scientific activities to understand how they function. Participants had the opportunity to share their knowledge with community, friends and family by taking part in a hands-on science-meets-art activity led by local artist Liss Finney. The participants created scientific illustrations and painted silk seagrass structures which then were made into a seagrass meadow and installed locally at both Mosman Art Gallery and The Lake Macquarie Museum of Art and Culture, Yapang.

Read more about it here on the Mosman Gallery Website or at Inspiring NSW.

Installation view at Mosman Art Gallery

Installation view at Mosman Art Gallery

Installation view at Mosman Art Gallery

Cardiff Public Library Children’s Mural

Commissioned by Lake Macquarie City Council 2021

The Hunt in the Hunter Street Mall

Commissioned by Made In Newcastle and supported by the Australian Government RISE fund 2020 for the New Annual Festival.

A treasure hunt for local threatened species!

Keep a look out for animal tracks, they will lead you to hidden creatures within the Hunter Street Mall! Learn to identify who's tracks belong to who and find out some fun facts about our local wildlife that are hidden in the architecture by scanning the QR codes near by.


See more at: The Hunt